Time for a new flood of earbud reviews, so I apologize now for content that is almost identical to previous earbud reviews and the various ones I post now. But not all have been glowing reviews this time, so you may have to look through the flood of earbuds to see which ones were not the best and why. I am sure people are getting tired of me posting different earbuds on my reviews, but we go through a LOT of earbuds in this house. I currently have about 10+ sets of earbuds to go through in these reviews.
This set of earbuds comes with two in the package. They have their own little hard backed carrying case that zips open and shut. It has a pocket in one side to hold things. Each set of earbuds also came with adjustable tips you could change out if you don't like the ones on the earbuds that it ships with.
These are easy to use and have pretty decent sound quality. My youngest had no problem with using them. He plugged them in to his Xbox controller and was easily able to communicate with people in Fortnite, which is the main reason he likes to use earbuds. He had no trouble communicating with others or hearing what was going on. He said they were nice and clear and worked great. He has also been using them for his cell phone to watch YouTube videos, which I appreciate since I don't want to listen to what he is watching since I usually have something already playing, too.
So far these are working out great! They are a great deal to get two different sets of earbuds with the case and replacement tips all for less than $15!
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