Having done foster care for six years, we have gone through quite a few diaper bags of all different sizes. We are now at the end of our fostering journey, having finalized our adoption of one of the babies, and my diaper bags that I have are beginning to look pretty shabby. The small diaper bag I have been relying on for nearly every trip has been sewn back together a few times. I decided it was time to pick up a new bag to see us through the final year of having to carry a diaper bag with little miss.
This bag is a little larger than I am used to using, but works great. It is not as bulky as some of my other bigger bags, but still bigger than the smaller ones I typically carry. And I love all of the pockets and pouches that this bag has! It is easy to organize things and then find them quickly without needing to include any extra organizer inserts. I was able to put my diapers in one pocket on the inside, then the wipes in the side pocket that has a zipper to keep the opening to the wipes closed. I put a change of clothes in another inside pocket, and all of her little extras that I include (brush, nail scissors, diaper rash cream, sunscreen, etc.) in another. And there was still plenty of room in the diaper bag for toys, blankets, or other things.
This diaper bag is backpack style, so you can easily wear it or carry it by its straps. It has stroller loops, too, so you can put it on your stroller without having to buy additional stroller hooks or try to cram it underneath. It is done in a neutral color so is good for boys or girls and the man in your life won't be too embarrassed to wear it or carry it since it is not babyish or girlie.
I am very happy with this diaper bag and though it is larger, I think it is going to be our go to diaper bag for everything now. With little miss getting older now, she wants to carry her bag. I planned on getting her a small backpack to use as a diaper bag, but this one is far too large for that. At least I can have one of my kids wear it for us if I don't want to.
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