Very well made and the perfect, very durable too! My dog is small but fierce and gets through most of his toys the first day. This one is still giving him a run for his money, and for that alone I'm impressed. So cute, would definitely buy again!
Completely worth three price. I gave it 4 instead of 5 only because the edges broke easily & quickly. I have a medium power chewer though so this will not be the same for all dogs. She absolutely loves it & carries it all around the house. Wi...
This bowl is perfect for my cats. They always had to constantly hunch over to eat and would sometimes eat while sitting. It looked really uncomfortable for them. This bowl is raised on a 2 ½ inch white round plastic pedestal that keeps the bow...
My kitten that's 4 months was able to rip the ball off the top pretty easily. The stick is not well attached. However she does play with the rest about 20% of the time.
She really enjoyed playing with it. But the darn think wouldn't stay up. The suction didn't work very well on the floor. Best thing is to have a standard bottom without the suction. This way she can play on the carpet as wel...
It's the perfect size water bowl for my two chihuahuas. I was wanting an elevated water bowl due to my girl coughing hard after drinking with a normal low to the ground water dish. She has been using this water bowl and I've heard zero coughi...
Being rechargeable says it all. Batteries are expensive so save your $
great size to produce enough uv light to see something with ease.
Ill be checking hotel rooms for clean sheets.