This is easy to use and program. It can be set for 15 minute increments and there is an on/off switch on the side.
The only con is it's size, it's five inches long and three inches wide so depending on where you plug it in it could go over o...
My puppy absolutely loves this toy! I was extremely satisfied with it. Usually they are built very skinny and this one was perfect with thickness and twisted. It also came a 2pk so that was a great additive. My dog has already untangled it, but that...
these rope toys are HUGE! Definitely with the price, and nicer than I've seen at the pet stores recently! Rope and knots are tough and durable. My Sassy-girl and the neighbor's bull mastiff have been playing with them all week.&nbs...
I needed a set of stainless steels bowls to replace the plastic ones for my outside cats. The plastic bowls were giving one of my cats 'chin acne' a common problem due to the bacteria build up on the plastic bowls. I tried washing them often...
This product here is a cluster of 6 Nano Moss Balls Pet Plants from #Luffy, for all ages to enjoy, even mine at 30+...I just put them in an aquarium and they are pretty much self m...
I've always wanted a bamboo plant so why not I said? 3 Betta Bamboo Plant - Create attractive Zen Garden - Purifies water by absorbing Nitrate and Ammonia - Control algae by competing for nutrients - Extreme Hardy plant, survive in low light...
june 25 This product that I'm reviewing is the . #Almago Electric Nail Grinder For Pets. I've always wanted one of these or atleast wanted to try one. This nail g...
i know it says this is for dogs but... my grandson gets hot easy (like me) and cranky... so i got this to lay under his sheet to help keep him cool in summer and it helps him to rest so much better. These are good inside the pillow case as well...