Hey this is a great cat litter box. I never realized how sensible a stainless box is. It is so much easier to clean. This set has a really good scoop, that is also metal and silicone mat. There is a green lid that helps hold litter in for the cat tha...
My dog loves this toy, but its not very durable. He tore it up pretty quickly. If it is made with stronger materials then it may not tear up as quickly.
I bought this thinking " I gotta try this". I used to have a 50 gallon tank. A bigger one of these would of been so handy. This little gadget is magic for my 2.5 gallon tank????
This is a great flowing water fountain. I've tried a few and sent all the others back. My cats wanted nothing to do with them. I like that it is rechargeable which also means I can set it up anywhere that is convenient for my household. There are...