We have been on a babyproofing kick lately with the current foster baby being 19 months and getting in to everything. The child is too smart for her own good and figures out how to open things quickly. She also has a huge desire to close everything that she sees that is open. Needless to say, we have been doing whatever we can to secure drawers and cabinets while also taking extra measures to prevent smooshed fingers. These latches were among the items we were in need of.
The package comes with 6 latches to lock cabinets, toilet seats, refrigerators, ovens, or whatever you need to secure. They are simple in design and appearance, requiring no tools to install. The end pieces are a blue color, while the connecting strip is white. They are about 7 inches long, but are adjustable, so can be shorter than that if you need them to be. They stick on easily using 3M tape and stay put after you install them. They are supposed to be non-damaging, so you shouldn't need to worry about the surfaces you are applying them to. They are similar to command strips in the way they stick and then pull free (a hairdryer can help soften the adhesive when it is time to remove them since there is no pull tab like the command strips.)
Installation is super simple and fast. Pull the paper off the backing for one of the latch ends, stick it to a clean surface, repeat for the other side and connect with the center strip. For example, if you want to latch you refrigerator door shut, you would put one on the door, and one on the side (or the other door, directly across from it). They then have a sliding plastic strip that fits between the two ends. Simply push a button on the piece stuck on, and slide the plastic strip out to open. Insert and slide it tight to lock them up again.
I love the fact that they are easy to put on, and then simple to use. You MAY need two hands to unlock things, so keep that in mind if you are holding a baby or have full hands. But if you are good at it, you can do it one handed. And curious toddlers will have no way to figure them out, unless you have a genius child. My baby is still investigating the locks I put on my desk drawers and trying her hardest to figure them out. So far she hasn't succeeded, but she has been persistently investigating them for three days now.
All of that said - this is a decent set of babyproofing tools for your home. And not a bad price, at that. If you need to start locking things in your home to keep little ones from opening them up, this is a great way to start.
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Get yours today! http://amzn.to/2FIdhec