This thing is too cool! I did not know what it was really, but ordered it for my grandson. I thought that it would be something to teach him music, eye/hand coordination and patience. When I received it I expected it to be like a small electronic keyboard. Its not, it is actually better! This is a keyboard that you blow into like a bagpipe. Unlike a bagpipe it does not take much air to get a really great, loud sound. It is really neat and sounds great! This Melodica comes with a really nice black carrying case that is line in red felt. It is super rich looking! The actual instrument is made of a very high grade plastic, kind of like old accordians are made of. This is not a toy, it is a teaching musical insturment, just like you would rent at a music store. I have to say this is one of my favorite purchases yet! The quality is great, the price is great, the insturment is awesome and the customer service outstanding! Plus, now I know what a Melodica is!