My husband and I have been cycling off and on for awhile now, though not as regularly as we'd like. We have been collecting equipment slowly over the past two years, making sure we have everything we need to make our time out enjoyable and comfortable. Having a comfortable fiting backpack is a must, and having one that allows you to easily carry your necessities with you, more specifically your water. I know that we still needed another backpack so that we had enough for everyone in our family, so picked up this one to add to the collection.
This cycling backpack is far larger than the one I have been using currently. This backpack is an 18L, whereas my current one is half the size, if that. It has tons of buckles, clips, pockets, and bells and whistles that are awesome for stashing things, clipping things on, and making adjustments. It has a pouch on the strap that can be left on or detached. It is perfect for keeping your keys, cell phone, etc. in. I have put my cell phone in my pack while cycling (before I got a bike mount so I could watch the distance and speed on my app), but hate when I can't easily access it. I have had to stop on the ride to take off my backpack just to pull it out before the call ended. It was such a pain to go through all of that. Having a small puch like this on my shoulder straps, and therefore on my front side, would have made that situation so much easier.
One of the issues I have always struggled with is how much I sweat, especially when I exert any level of activity. I have always been a heavy sweater. Having something on my back makes me really paranoid about the sweat on my back, so I am always looking for things that are mesh and breathable. Being scratchproof is also good, since I have only had one crash and burn fall from my bike at this point, but am quite the klutz, so who knows if it will happen again. This backpack has a nice mesh backing on it, made of an EVA design. It is made of nylon and helps wick moisture away making you feel dry, even if you know you aren't. It is water resistent, but also comes with a great waterproof backpack cover that can be put over your cycling backpack during heavy rain to ensure maximum dryness.
It also has an emergency whistle built in on the strap. I was not expecting to find that and thought it was a nice touch. You never know when you may need something to alert others to your needs, and having it built right in tot he design is convenient as well as functional. There is also reflective stripping on the backpack, so you know the light will reflect off of the backpack if it shines on it. Safety first.
One of the things I hate about my current bag is that there is no clip or anything for my waterspout for my hydration bag to keep it within reach. I know all bags have little loops built in to them to help hold the hoses in place, which this blue and black bag also has, but I have had problems with my hose slipping down. I have had to run it through one side and across my chest to the other side, which can be a pain when I am ready to pull it out and actually take a drink. This has a clip that holds the spout in place, easily unsnapping it one handed and then reclipping it in when you are done. Huge convenience!
I found it interesting to read some of the reviews on Amazon. I experienced NONE of the problems they did. I DO have velcro hangers in the top inside of the back panel that allow me to hang my water bladder from in the back pouch. The zippers have all been fine for me and work with no snagging, no catching, no getting stuck or pulling apart. The pulls on the zippers are all hanging on tight and show no sign of wear or future breakage. There are no problems with stitching looking uneven or having problems.
I am very happy with it overall. I have not yet had the chance to try it out while on a ride, but am eager to do so! It has so many more features than my old pack, which I will be passing on to one of my kids.
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