my age, my lifestyle has led me to have a fair amount of weakness in my hands and it drives me nuts
i never struggled before to open tins or pull stuff and I decided to do something about it- if I could!!
I’d never heard of these but a friend recommended them so I decidedi at that price I had nothing to lose
on arrival they were in a storage bag and looked a bit weird.. but colurful squishy eggs and I got to ‘work’ straight away
it was hard, even with the easiest one, I hardly managed any squeezes before my hand was hurting .. I was sure I’d give up and probably just store them but I persevered and now I’m able to do more repetitions and soon will think about using the next egg up
in conclusion it does help with hand strength but if you have weak hands like me it’s hard and needs to be a regular exercise to show improvement
I definitely have better strength but my hands have been sore in the process_ I would def recommend