I have tried a few different silicone sponges in the past with little luck, but decided I would try a few more silicone since my others seem to have disappeared. You get two different sponges in this set, different colors but the same shape, each made of silicone so there is peace of mind and no breeding of the nastiness that traditional sponges harbor. They are easy to use and you don't have to worry about the bristles scratching your dishes or leaving marks behind. But because it is not as abrasive and strong as other cleaning utensils, they are not necessarily the best to use for caked on things or to help degrease your dishes. Though I presoak my dishes before I wash them to break up any caked on things, there are still a lot of bits and pieces I am not able to get off with these. Even using hot water and soap, I was not really happy with how clean my dishes were. I didn't feel it got the grease off of things, and I had to break out a regular sponge to muscle through any caked on and baked on gunk. I thougth maybe if I tried using these again I would find they worked, that maybe my first few attempts at buying silicone sponges were just me not using them correcltly. But I didn't have luck this time either. I think I am ready to give up on using silicone sponges. They may work for some people, but I personally do not like using them.

Get yours here: https://amzn.to/2SnBmdj
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