Being a foster parent, I have never done the whole memory keepsake thing for the 50+ kids we have had go through our home. But now that we are at the point that we have an adoption date set, I am looking at things that may help me document and memorialize the growth of little missie. Though she is 19 months now, I still want to get her hand and footprint with this keepsake kit.
With my own boys, I tried to do keepsakes like this, but was unsuccessful, so I have nothing but their hospital footprints and memories. I can say that I learned a few things with the attempts I had with my boys so went in to this a bit more prepared.
It definitely takes two people to make this work. You need to have one holding the baby still while you do what you can to spread the hands and fingers out to get a good print. The foot is easier to get a print from, but it still takes two people to get it right. And you have to work fast to get a good print before leaving it to dry. Luckily you can redo it if the print is not to your liking. The consistency of the clay is not watery and it is not too hard to get the print you want. It is like playdough, honestly. It is easy to manipulate and smoosh, so if you screw it up, you can wad it back up and then reroll it out and try again. It took us a few tries since the baby wanted to grab ahold of things and play with it.
In the set you get the frame, a mat that goes around it framing it nicely within the overall frame, the clay (which comes in two seperate packages and is non-toxic, so 100% safe for baby), a roller to smooth it all out, plus a bunch of little addons pieces you can decorate with. The frame and mat are simple and plain, so will need some decoration if you want something that is more eye appealing for you, but it allows you to customize it to your own decor and nursery. I definitely think the extra pieces are more girly, which works for me because we have a little girl. There are little pearly bows, hearts, and stars.
This is a great way to make the memories of your little ones hands and feet forever. I love the ease of use, the customization possibilities, and the overall set. It works great. It is super easy. And it is fun to do. Great way to give a gift to new mom or expecting parents. It would be the perfect gift to give for Christmas or a shower.
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