My original iPod is finally biting the dust and I wanted to have something else to put music on for use in the car without having to use the storage on my phone. I picked this up in hopes it would work out for my needs. It is very simple and basic, not at all like what I am used to with my iPod. But it was fairly easy to figure out and I had no trouble navigating through it. It is a solid feeling little unit, which is good since I usually toss it in the center console in my car and it gets buried in other things or pushed around as we hunt for other things. It has an expandable memory slot, but I haven't tried putting a new card in it, though I know I should. It can be expanded from the 8GB it comes with to 128GB. It is also supposed to be able to play movies, but since I only got it for audio, I haven't tried anything like that. I only have some music on it currently, and have used the aux cable to connect it in my car with no trouble. It comes in 5 different colors - black, gold, red, white, and silver - and I got the red. I haven't had any problems with it so far, but also don't know any limitations from using other features and fuctions. It has met my needs perfectly fine.

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