This is the best accessory I've purchased for the Switch. Bar none. It makes it easier to hold. It's much more comfortable. The Switch is also better looking in the case.
I don't know what's wrong with some of the other reviewers, but this case is a cinch to put on and take off. It couldn't be easier. It's also very easy to change game cards with the case on. Clearly some reviewers don't know how to open the game card door all the way. Don't listen to these reviews. They're simply wrong. As for charging in the dock, of course you can't do it with this case on. That's just common sense. The dock was designed to hold the Switch console as is. That's just a ridiculous gripe. You can still charge it in the case using the A/C adapter. Someone even complained about the inability to attach a wrist strap and the danger of dropping it. First, if you can't hold onto something without it being attached to you, that's not the manufacturer's fault. Second, and more importantly, there IS a place to attach a lanyard or wrist strap. It's on the bottom right corner. Another invalid complaint.
I'm the type of person who complains and finds something wrong with everything, but I couldn't be happier with this purchase. There are countless things I'm disappointed about with the Switch, and the discomfort was a big one. Nintendo should be thanking this company, because just the addition of this grip made me have a MUCH more positive outlook toward the Switch.
If you have any issues with comfort, while playing in console mode, get this grip. It will be the best money you ever spent.