My grandson is obsessed with this emoji, so these slippers were a must have. I got him the pillow last year and he was so excited. Can’t wait to give these to him. I have a small foot, size 5 ½-6 in women’s. My foot does fit in here comfortably, but not a lot of room to spare. The perfect fit, I feel, is going to be tweens. They are quite puffy, so a smaller foot will fit and stay in secured with the overfill, even if the shoe size is too large for them. They appear to be decent quality, with a well attached under pad that is slip resistant and a nice soft interior. Mine came sealed in a plastic bag. However, they were covered with what seemed to be white pillow stuffing, which after coming back to the website, I now realize it the slipper stuffing. If they had been cleaned up a bit better, I would have given this 5 stars.