My toddler absolutely loves this basketball set! I have been wanting to get my son one for years and I am happy I got him this.
It was not too difficult to assemble. Even though it said it came with instructions, which there were none inside the box. Unless it meant the ones on the side of the box, which I found after a while, since I was expecting a paper in the box. But it did help with the installation when we were having a bit of trouble. Still, for all the parts it came with I was expecting a little more detailed instructions manual to come with it. But my husband and I eventually figured it out, so it is no biggie.
I like the metal design as opposed to the plastic ones that are usually made for young kids. Makes it seem more realistic and it would last longer. I am currently keeping it inside but I know I will not worry if I do decide to keep it outside. With the base it be pretty sturdy and with it being metal I will not have to worry about it fading in the sun quickly like the plastic toys. I would only have to worry about rust, but it does not rain very often here, so it is not that big of an issue.
I like the base. We filled it with water instead of sand and it works well. I like the look of it as a whole. Like the details of the back board, the net and the inflatable ball. Like I said earlier, I like how it looks more like the real thing compared to the plastic ones. My son (even myself and my husband whenever we play with him) have a lot of fun playing this set. I especially like how it is adjustable and can grow with my son. It gets up higher than the other kinds, so that it also a plus.
Overall this is fun playset to have for your kids.
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