I am sure everyone remembers the Kylie Jenner challenge that was going around where kids were doing stupid things to make their lips look bigger and were ending up with hickies around their mouths as well as busted blood vessels and problems with their lips after. It was not good. I was honestly shocked to see that there are devices you can use to achieve the same look. But we all know I am more than willing to make a fool out of myself for the sake of testing things out, so I snagged some lip plumpers to test out myself.
These plumpers look like cherries. I guess you can buy owls, too. But I liked the cherries. Each cherry is a different lip plumper, so you get two in one set. That worked out great because my friend and I each tried them and laughed the whole time. Just a side note - don't do it when you have a friend with you because laughing does not help! It is quite difficult to maintain the suction needed to keep them on your lips.
They take some practice to get them working right. You squeeze the plumper to make it flat and get the air out, pucker your lips and squish them in to the plumper, then slowly let go so that it sucks your lips in to it further. The suction is what helps it to stay in place. I found if you part your lips a little after you get the suction and it holds better. Mine fell off a lot, even when I tried it on my own. I had to keep redoing it. It does come with instructions, and like I said, it takes a lot of practice to get it right. A few times my lips got REALLY sucked in to it and it almost hurt.
But it DOES work. My poor lips looked very plump when done. More than plump. Swollen! And it lasted awhile. The instructional booklet says they should last up a few hours then you can do it again. Not sure I want to put my lips through the repetitive pain of swelling for beauty. I will stick with my own lips. God made them just the way He intended, so I am not going to mess with them!
I was really worried it would leave hickies around my mouth, but it didn't. You definitely see the pressure marks from it, but they do go away. It hasn't left anything lasting on my mouth or around it, though you can see it when you take it off.
If you are looking for a way to make your lips all puffy and swollen looking, this is the way to go. If you are looking for a way to make your lips look thicker and fuller, yes this works. Is it worth it? I don't know. I guess I am not all that in to beauty hacks. I will use these for fun when I want to mess around and laugh with friends, but not before I go out when I do my makeup. It was fun, but not for me.
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