I have tried tons of different foot masks over the past year or so and have fallen in love with thier use. I think I am more in love with the idea of peeling the skin off rather than the soft skin that is left behind. But whatever it is, I used a foot peel every month. When I saw these hand masks, I wasn't sure what to think. I immediately thought they would do the same - peeling off dry skin to leave the healthy skin beneath. And that is exactly what they do.
In the set you get a set of hand mask gloves that are sealed up in a silver pouch. Each glove is filled with clear liquid that is designed to moisturize dry skin and rejuvenate it by removing the calluses and nastiness. Once you remove them from the silver pouch, you cut the end off and then slide your hands in. Then you keep them on for 20-30 minutes, remove, wash your hands, and go about life as normal. Within a few days you will notice a change and your hands will begin to peel. I notice that my skin starts looking tight and begins to have a different look to it, though I honestly can't describe what is so different. It is not that it is red or looks extra dry. I simply can't place HOW it looks, but it is different. But I know that when it begins to feel tight and begins to pull, it won't be long until it begins to let loose and I can peel it.
I did have a hard time keeping the gloves on my hands. I actually went and got hair bands and put them around my wrists to help secure them. The other challenge I had was in what to do while they were on. I am so used to doing things ALL the time, always keeping myself busy, always working on something... but I was not able to do that while wearing the gloves. When I do the foot peels, I am able to sit and keep my feet up in socks while I work on my laptop or do something else. But with these I couldn't do much of anything for half an hour. It was quite difficult for me!
It has only been 2 days since putting them on, so I can't say whether they work well or not. They haven't started peeling yet and they don't feel any different. But we shall see in another day or so hopefully and I can return and update things from there. It did not take my nail polish off when using them, though, which is good. I have had some foot masks that have done that for me. But I have also had foot peels that didn't remove the nail polish and unfortunately those also did not remove skin, so I am hoping that is not the case here.
#RankBoosterReview #sponsored #Haokry #handmask #mask #moisturizingmask #moisturizinghandmask #whiteningmask #whiteninghandmask
Get yours here: https://amzn.to/2ufI4Xc