While browsing available items for review, my oldest son saw these strip lights and asked me if I could get them for him. When they came in we had no clue where to put them though. The boys have a tv hanging on the wall that we could have used it on, as well as a larger computer monitor and a smaller one for the 2nd Xbox. But there are no usb ports available to plug things in to on any of them, which is the only way to power this up without running an extension up the wall or across the desk. He finally got creative and decided to decorate his guitar amp with them since he would need an external power source no matter how he went about it. And honestly it looks pretty cool! The strip has 3M tape on the back to help stick it to things and looks like electric circuits or the motherboard for a computer with all the lights and wiring, but when you turn it on you don't see any of that. The strips can be taken apart if there is too much length to go around what you are putting it on. There are four sections that connect with small plugs. But they cannot work on their own. They have to be plugged in to the main strip that is connected to the power source through usb. This also comes with a remote that you can use to change the settings. You can set it to flash, to strobe, to go slow, you can adjust the coloring to whatever you want. It is easy to use and works great. It has been a fun way to add some color and light to his guitar playing.

Get yours here: https://amzn.to/2EupWiU
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