I bought this for my daughter who is almost 7 yo. Since she turned 5 I have been getting electric toothbrushes for her with cute cartoon prints on them, they are good until they need to be replaced. With each electric toothbrush roughly $5.50 each it can come up to a nice summ by the end of the year. Given yeah with most of them I can replace batteries but the head is not replacecable so it goes straight into a dumpster once it's done. My youngest who will be turning 3 hasn't used electric toothbrush yet and I won't allow until she is 5 as I believe it's not safe for kids brain and safety reasons as well.
With this being on special I just had to get it and give it a try. It came in a nice blue box, tightly sealed with a clear plastic just as pictured. My oldest was very eager to open it and try but unfortunately battery was dead so we had to charge it overnight first. In the morning she was brushing her teeth with her new brush and a big grin on her face lol. She liked it and she said that she feels like a big girl now since she has one like mommys and daddys toothbrush. Handle is too big for her hand but she doesn't mind it and carries on with it for whole 5 minutes. Why 5 minutes? She is my little slow poke and it takes her that long to brush her teeth and she knows her favorite dentist will give her a toy for her clean and cavity free teeth with the next check up lol.
It is really nice looking toothbrush and my husband was very impressed by its quality and how presentable it looked in a box. Price wise it's great considering how powerful this brush is and compared to the ones we bought for ourselves which cost over $80 each. So far it works well and holds charge for a long time and we will be able to get generic toothbrush heads for it and save money. I will update if there is any issue but for now it gets all five stars.
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