Picked up this pointer for my son at his request. I had no clue what he'd ever do with it. How many chances does a 13 year old have to use a telescopic pointer? But it actually turned out to be quite the entertainment for us. Our cat absolutely loved it and was fascinated beyond belief. Every time he pulled it out, she'd come running. She would hear him extend it and she'd run in and jump up on the coffee table or back of the couch to slap at the ends. He could drag it across the floor and she'd chase it. It got quite a lot of use as a cat toy. Unfortunately for us, the metal is not the strongest and it eventually broke. I am not sure what he did to bend it and weaken the area where it snapped, but it did happen - no surprise with a 13 year old boy. But for the few weeks he had it, the cat enjoyed it thoroughly. It extends quite a good distance without being flimsy or wobbly. It has a rubber tip on the end so you won't end up damaging anything you point to. And it is light weight so even the smallest child or weakest person can hold it without it making the arm tired. I do think that it would work great in a classroom as a pointer. I have seen many teachers use pointers in their classroom and this would be a great option for doing that as it is far longer and more maneuverable than others. Not a bad product!

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