My boys use their Xbox daily. If they are home, it is on. They have two controllers they currently use and a backup one, but are notorious for leaving all three off of the charger stand they have. They say the stand doesn't charge them quickly, though, so I thought maybe replacing batteries might be in order. I picked up this pack for them to try out.
My son says he hoped this pack would work for their needs because it is much more convenient for them than the stand since using the cables makes it charge so much quicker. I think it is simply because they have fresh batteries to work with and would probably get the same results if they returned them to the stands regularly. But what does mom know?
You get two batteries, two backs, and two charging cables (which are just micro-usb cables, so even if you don't use them to charge, they can be used for something else). The boys had no trouble changing out the batteries in their controllers, finding them to be a perfect fit. They already have backs for their controllers, but have the extras set aside in case one gets lost or broken.
And they have gotten in the habit of plugging in the controllers when they are not using them. They are using the micro-usb cables currently, letting two controllers charge while they use the other. Then when the other gets low, they rotate it out for a freshly charged one. And when they DO need to use two controllers, which they usually don't need since they play one player games or watch movies on it, they can easily grab a second controller that is fully charged and ready to go.
But all of that said, it is not the best option for them to use. They said it helps being able to charge the extra controllers and have something to switch out to, but the charge doesn't last at all. They can grab a fresh, fully charged controller, start up Fortnite and before their first battle is over, the controller has lost all charge and they are having to grab another. They said the convenience of charging is great, the charge is fast, but it doesn't last so it isn't worth it.
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