I am always digging through the toolbox in the garage trying to find small screwdrivers for miscellaneous things. Typically I need ones for sunglasses, eyeglasses, watches, or smaller electronic devices. But I never seem to have anything small enough to do what I need. When I saw this set I knew it would be a major help to me.
I was impressed by the nice trifold case everything is held in. It is sturdy, compact, and easy to open when you need it while staying shut the rest of the time. And when I opened the case I was even more impressed. There are a ton of bits in this case! I love the amount of both flathead pieces as well as Phillips heads. Each bit is held in place on the small bar and can be removed to use with the handle.
As you can see, I am NOT a tool person and don't know the proper names for things. I only know what I need and how to use it. I was able to figure this set out on my own without having to ask my husband for assistance, though I admit it took some experimenting, twisting, and pulling before I figured out how to remove the head I needed and then how to fit it in to the handle. But once I got it, I was very impressed with how solidly it fit. There was no wiggle, no falling out, no slipping. It was one complete unit ready to use. And then I was able to take it back apart and put it away with no problems. So all in all, I found this to be quite a good little set of tools!
I like the fact that you can polarize your head with the included button. It wasn't hard to do and held the screw in place for me where my fingers couldn't fit as I screwed it in place. Quite handy!
This is definitely something I will be keeping in my desk drawer to use for myself rather than tossing in the toolbox in the garage. I think it is going to make all of the small quick fix jobs much easier.
If you work with small screws, work on electronics, or need something for glasses, watches, or jewelry, this is s set you could use. I am impressed and have already used it numerous times.
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Get yours here: https://amzn.to/2vbe0jj