Cute, but they don't work....just ok!
I purchase them for my 3 month old and my 3 year old granddaughters. The 3 month old is so spoiled, she cries all the time and as soon as there is a little noise even the tv, she's crying...I placed these over her ears and they were no good at all. I went in the kitchen and tapped the pot with a wooden spoon and she heard it, hence the screaming again! It did nothing at all for my 3 year old...I actually tried it also and it did nothing. I was stull able to hear the outside noise.
These are a waste of money and time..They serve no purpose...I would not recommend these to anyone as they are not noise cancelling, they are not sound proof either. The bag that came with it is nice and I did not receive a sticker. But as I stated above, they are cute and look cute on kids....That is all!