Bought this for my grandson, who loves to go fishing. Night fishing has its own problems: namely using two hands to re-bait your hook in the dark. It's very easy to poke the hook into your finger. This head mounted light will allow him to illuminate his work while being able to use bot hands. He will love this light!
It comes complete with 3 AAA batteries and a very adjustable and elastic band, allowing it to fit any size head. It has 4 white-colored modes: ow, medium, high and flashing. If you hold the button down 2 seconds, it goes into the red light mode, with 2 red LEDs that has 2 modes: solid on and flashing SOS in Morse Code (emergency signal that can be seen for quite a distance. It also can swivel from straight-on to several positions downward. It would be great for reading while camping, etc.
This is really a nice light. I recommend you buy one for each member of your family, who knows when it will come in handy.
Note: the picture is me, not my grandson, LOL