This headset seemed very durable for being made of cardboard, then again, my granddaughter and I didn't get up and move around with it on much. It did seem pretty sturdy overall though. She and I both tried it out, and it fit me comfortably. However, since there is no way to adjust it on your head, it was too lose on hers and she couldn't use it without having to hold it up with both hands. To my surprise, the clarity of the lenses and the graphics matched that of some of the more expensive headsets (once I figured out that I needed to take the clear plastic protective film off of the lenses. lol) I'm not sure exactly what phones are supposed to be compatible with this headset, but my Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime that has a 5.5" screen barely fit in it. Anything bigger than my phone, like a Samsung Note or the Galaxy S8, may not work. For the money, the cardboard headset is a good option, they just need to figure out a way to made the deaset adjust for different size heads.