I have never waxed on my own before. I have only had my eyebrows waxed a few times, less than I can count on one hand. I prefer simply to pluck them myself than to deal with paying someone to make them all red and irritated for awhile. I never even considered waxing them myself until seeing this package. And even this has me a little apprehensive.
But I spend a lot of time plucking my own eyebrows and my hairball 14-year-old's unibrow and bushy beasts that reside over his eyes, so thought maybe he and I could try them together next time and laugh at each other. He has a hard enough time with my plucking, constantly rubbing his eyebrows and saying ow.
I can only imagine pulling a strip off! I can't wait! I am sure I will only get to do his eyebrows one time, so will have to be sure to put on BOTH sides before pulling the first strip off or I won't be able to convince him to let me put the other on. But once both are on he has no choice BUT to let me rip them off. This is going to be fun! I am considering recording it to see his reaction! (Such a loving mom, right?)
In the small box you get 24 strips - 12 packages that have two strips in each that you pull apart to put on. They are definitely sticky and you will have no problem getting them in place and having them grasp hair. I tested it on my leg and it worked perfectly. It left no more stray hairs behind than what you'd see from normal waxing, the strays you still need to pluck to clean up.
As for my eyebrows? I am not sure I am brave enough to try them yet. I fear I will put them on crooked or not get them seated right and will leave myself with a bald patch I can't hide or lopsided eyebrows that I have to keep plucking to get even, leaving me with barely there brows. I imagine way too many possible and scary outcomes, so am not sure I am ready to do it yet. I also worry about doing the same thing to my kiddo, so though we have had these about 5 days, I worry about trying it and can't seem to bring myself to do it yet. Maybe we'll just bite the bullet and try it on our brows this weekend.
But they are a great way to get an at home wax without the mess of melting your own wax and applying it then using strips to remove. It is definitely more convenient.
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Get yours here: https://amzn.to/2N3bF1H