This bag is very cute. It is very compact but very spacious! It actually holds a lot. I was able to fit shaker cup and a bento constainer along with a yogurt. I love that it can be folded up and put away when not being used and it goes right back to it orginal shape. I also love that when you are carrying it you can not tell that is a lunch bag. It looks like a little purse. So my daughter does not mind carrying it with her. It seems pretty durable and I have not had any problems with it so far. For awhile she was using paper bags that would just get thrown away. I love that this can bei. #RankBoosterReview ii. #Sponsored iii. #(Brand Name) reused over and over again and there is no waste. So far there had not been an condenation on the outside of the bag, which is a huge bonus!
i. #RankBoosterReview ii. #Sponsored iii. #(BeBox)