My daughter already owns a few of these cars in several different colors but she absolutely loves this one the most. The graphics on the car look like graffiti art which my 8 year old daughter is a huge fan of. She likes the music and lights. The front wheels flip around similiar to the motion of a helicopter. The car can do flips and upright itself. My daughter likes to flip it up so it runs standing straight up using the two rear wheels and the two small wheels of the top. The clear wheels light up and change color. There is a switch with three positions. The first position turns the car on/off, the second position plays lights only and the last position plays the lights and sounds together. The car has a rechargeable battery and comes with a USB charging cable. The remote requires 2 AA batteries which are not included. It does come with a small screwdriver which is needed to remove the screw on the battery compartment on the car and the remote.