My Great Granddaughter loves shoes. These bunny slippers are adorable and I knew she would love them too. I've never seen a child that wants shoes on all the time but, my Great Granddaughter does.
These slippers run a little larger than I expected. My Great Granddaughter usually wears a 7 but, I ordered the 5-7 toddler size and they are about a size to large. She still wants them on because they are soft, warm, breathable and comfortable. Pink purple and grey are the color combinations that blend so well together.
If you are looking for gifts for the holidays or anytime gifts these are perfectly adorable for any toddler or young child.
They are available on Amazon so order before everyone else does.
#girl #childs #toddler #pink #purple #gray #fun #kids #cute #pretty #colorful #comfortable #breatheable #slippers #shoes #sizes #colors #warm #RANKBOOSTER #TRIEDITFORADISCOUNT