My son got a Nintendo Switch for Christmas and I wanted to be sure he had some additional tools to use to play with it. This set includes two racing wheels and two hand controllers. You snap the end pieces, the individual controllers, in to the slots on the controllers or wheel and they connect instantly. I played a few games with him, both with these tools and without, and can say they definitely make a big difference in playability. They do feel a bit cheap when you take them out of the package. They are a lightweight plastic and are not heavy in the least, but they work great. The wheels allow you to easily rotate the controller and play racing games. But it was the hand controllers that I like most. They fit nicely in your hand with ergonomic grips that make gripping much easier and comfortable. When using the controller by itself, without the larger piece, my hands cramped up and I found it awkward. But with these I am able to play with no problems. The only complaint I have is that one of the pedal controls on the back of one of the controllers broke off and we were unable to get it back on. The device still worked when you snapped the controller in, but you didn't have the pedal to use for certain games. But overall it was well worth the purchase and has gotten a lot of use in our family.

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