I saw this item and thought it would be great addition to many collection of things for the kitchen. It turned out to be awesome. Now it is a slow mail item, so please do not get it and think you will get it prime delivery. I actually used it yesterday for the grill and it worked out alot better than the tongs or fork you usually use. It actually grabs the meat and has a very good grip. I even used it to move some coal around towards the end of my grilling. My sausage didn't have any puncture holes for once, they were nice and juicy when you bit into it. I can't even imagine the ease of flipping fish in grease or chicken in the oven. I do not see any more meat falling apart or breaking apart while being flipped or taken out of a pan. I know have something that allows me to handle my salads easier when serving at dinner. It is just versatile and all around serves many purposes. I would definitely recommend.