This baby float is great for a baby or toddler. It is well made from thick material so it holds up better under the weight of the child. It fits around their waist and has inflatable sections to support their arms. It is raised in the front for chin support. It is double walled so there are two sections to inflate. That seems like a safer option to me. It is easy to inflate and deflate though and folds up compactly for storage. It is only available in blue but, there is a choice between large and Xlarge. I purchased the large and my Great Granddaughter weighs between 22 - 25lbs and it fits perfectly. As you can see in the photo it supports her well by herself but, there should always be supervision for safety. It has two adjustments so it can fit loosely or tightly. The baby float is available on Amazon so check it out and order today.
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