This is the ideal storage for a whole range of things. I bought these for holding the jewels of my 5D art pictures that I love doing.
Inside each of these storage boxes is a row of compartments that are in rows with each row being able to be removed, each row has 5 individually sealed compartments that are the perfect size for my various coloured jewels and keeps them very safe as each lid fits securely and even if dropped I really doubt the lids would open.
My husband has taken one of the boxes for keeping his fishing flies in with no fear of getting hooked while reaching for one.
Another great use for these is for medications as the compartments are slightly larger than you get in the branded pillboxes, brilliant for someone who travels a lot with each compartment having a lid,, and these being held inside a box which has another lid so perfect protection from moisture, dampness and accidentally getting knockeed over.
So many uses with the bonus of 3 boxes all at a very low price, I am contemplating already about buying another set. So yes I would recommend these.