It nice and comes with plenty of mount clips. A handy remote and wiring extras. I'm just not to pleased because the light isn't connected to any wires to power it. I figured it was wired at one end and you have the option to customize the length if you want to. But you have to cut the silicone cover and hook up everything yourself. It didn't explain that in the description. I understand you have to supply your own power supply as explained. So unless you have the skills to complete the connection and want to then you are good. I can do it but didn't think I had to unless customization was needed. The description needs to be more explanatory. The paper instructions are confusing too because it reads the red is positive and black negative which is the case in most d/c wiring but the pictures instructions show red in negative and black positive. A complete reversal contradictory of itself. I can't recommend this product.