First off let me start out by saying this. Real glass lens of good quality mounted in plastic frame with a cheap plastic cover, but the glass makes it a more durable magnifier than the two more costly but plastic lenses that I bought here on Amazon that got scratched up right away. Also it came in handy today when my son got something in his eye and i couldn’t see it with my bare eye. It has already scratched his eye and who knows how much worse it could had gotten. Also I figured this fall in Science when my boys study insects this would be a blast for them. Using it today and looking at different things I noticed most green leaves have little spores on them? I never knew that. So It was a learning lesson for me as well. I would recommend these too my friends for the price and I think I know the first stocking stuffers I’m getting. Also I love it cause it’s small easy to carry and helps when u need to read something and u left your glasses. You no longer have to be out and be embarrassed asking for helping reading something from strangers that think u can’t read at 36. Lol. It’s true. Get these you won’t be disappointed.