Peppa Pig Best friend's and his luxurious house

Posted by Rachel Farrell
Published on 07 Jul, 2017

Peppa Pig Best friend's suit and his luxurious house
Price: $39.80
My Rating
Avg. Rating
5.00 / 5   (1 Reviews)

This is the Peppa Pig luxurious house with friends toy by SONGBA. This is a play house with little figures and lots of furniture. The set came with stickers that I had to place on the house and a cardboard piece made to look like a rug. These pieces are small and made from plastic, so this toy is not recommended for a child under 3. The doors open and close on this play house. The house it's self has hinges on the sides it looks to me like there may be other pieces to the that can be purchased separately. The child I gave this to loved it her only complaints were, it doesn't light up and there wasn't a George character. I noticed on the box that they have another play house that has light up lights on it. This play house by SONGBA costs: $39.80 and can be purchased here:…/B07…/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s00…
* I received this item for a discount and this is my review.




Price: $39.80



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