Handy little place cards to have and ones that can be used over and over again. I do a lot of party planning for holidays and assorted occasions and these will be used until they actually wear out which I hope will not be for a long time because I love them.
When I first ordered them I had my brother and his girlfriend in mind as I am hoping that they will one day get married and these would fit right in with the kind of decorations she is wanting to use but to be honest they can be used with any kind of theme.
They come individually wrapped so you can use just a few at a time or all without opening them all up. They are easy to assemble as you just push down and twist the two pieces together until they are attached well.
These can be used over and over when using chalk on the little blackboard space, there is also a cloth included for you to clean your little boards off. These will be great for seating, table assignments, dessert labels, food labeling or welcoming, basically anything you wish to use them for. So handy to have and can be used for everyday use as well.