My daughter had been asking for some Bluetooth earbuds that were low profile and not the “fruit” brand ones. She wanted something that was reasonably priced, not too large, and looked cool. She also wanted something that would be easy to charge. I found these when shopping around and she liked the way they looked, so I bit and ordered them. When they arrived, they have instructions and what they need to charge them. It was packed well, and everything was intact and ready to go. She has been using them for about 2 weeks now and she loves them. She uses them all day and says she gets about 4 hours out of each charge and that is 4 hours of use, not just 4 “unplugged” hours. These are also super cool looking! (ha ha) The case/charger is very sleek and looks awesome. It was a really great purchase and I’m glad we got these instead of a more unnecessarily expensive pair!
#RankBoosterReview #sponsored #SENGBIRCH