Wanted one of these for so long and after receiving money for my birthday I decided to finally get myself one
it arrived within a couple of days and was flat packed
Hubby put it together... all pieces were there, everything lined up as it should ... it was ready to go on the bedroom in less than as hour!
Full length Mirror, and a door that opened to a treasure trove of jewels by the time I had finished... I managed to put 99% of m jewellery inside... special drawer compartments for the most worn items
everything was laid out and organised so I could simply open the door and choose without having to rummage through a jewellery box and container like I had been
The whole unit was sturdy and well constructed... the mirror has 3 positions so what ever angle suits you
all in all it’s lovely... it’s quite exciting to know that behind a simple mirror. Looking clean and tidy in the corner could open up to such a collection