Magdy Ibrahim


Aug, 2019

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It is working

12 Sep, 2019
i got it for my wife , she tried it as she is suffering from a drry skin , she saw a differene in her skin claearly it helped with her dry skin it does have a nice moisturizing effect .   ... read more »

a great support for my feet

12 Sep, 2019
I found them useful and comfortable to my feet, I stand on my feet for long hours, they stick well and they are not bulky at all. satisfied with that purchase. #RankBoosterReview.  #Sponsore... read more »

good fit for my cell phone

11 Sep, 2019
 l liked this navy blue color, i put most of my credit cards in the pockets it has , i also like the soft leather material it is made of , overall i am satisfied. #RankBoosterReview. #S... read more »

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