Ich kann diese Karteikarten sehr gut gebrauchen, denn ich kann sie vielseitig einsetzen. Für Stadt, Land, Fluss-Spiele, als Lernkarten, um die eigene Schrift zu verbessern...
sie haben die perfekte Größe und lassen sich mit verschi...
This is a good size. I put it outside on a balcony that gets direct sun, which causes the floor to get hot, uncomfortably hot for bare feet. This covers that surface and allows me to walk barefoot no matter the time of day. We had some rain yest...
I bought these due to the positivity quotes on them. They're the perfect size to keep in your purse or under the keyboard. So many of our team members loved going thru each one to see what they wanted and was so appreciative too.
This notebook is thick, the paper is thick and it has section dividers so you can put the dividers where you want. I love this notebook and it's the best one I've used so far! I have tons of notebooks, buy I seem to want to use th...