My grandson has started a collection of spinners. I am always looking for unique ones to add to his collection. This Tri Fidget Hand Spinner by BestDealGift is definitely different. It is shaped similar to a pacifier in shape. It is...
My daughter really likes this spinner. It works great and we love that it glows in the dark. The bearings did come dirty so we had to clean them off really well with a dry paper towel but other than that, its a great spinner.
This is a great fidget spinner, love they style and the color of it. It spins very well and is easy for the kids. It really helps with anxiety it keeps you busy and for adhd. Spins smoothly and fast and keeps its spin which is great .
My pre-teen grandson has started collecting different fidget spinners and only has the plastic ones. He was thrilled to get this one. Sold by ValueDealGift, this Tri Fidget Hand Spinner is one of the better ones. It is made of brass and i...
I got my nintendo switch case today in the mail. Its perfect. The switch fits perfect in the case. You have room for your games an extra room on the top of the case for extra pieces. The case is heavy duty an seems like If you drop it your switch wil...