Everyone has a different idea about raising kids, this is a cute funny way to decide who get to make decisions for new parents. May also stop arguing over it.
This really good bike light made a wonderful gift for my bike-riding son. It keeps him safe so folks can see the light as he is riding and also has a alarm so folks don't try to steal his bike. I highly recommend it.
It feels pretty nice and sturdy, cant wait to get it all loaded up with gifts and crafts for my husband (kids father) for fathers day. Not a bad buy at all.
Super awesome! It has 3 different settings! "Unlock" lock and alarm! Great for when out for a bike ride and need it for emergency! Besides a light! It's also loud! So farm I'm happy! Charge it and go!
I love these little claw clips so much!
During hot weather I like to pull back the front of my hair to keep it out of my face. I used to use Bobby pins or other types of metal snap clips but by the time I get home and put down my hair I really fee...