The bag is of good quality and very thick that might hold heavier items in it but definitely not the regular 13 gallon capacity. Its smaller than the other regular bags.
Was exactly what i was looking for . And kids are obsessed with gonna lol. But you need the right straw to drink them. These were perfect plus easily washable and can be reused. They have a nice storage container too.
I am loving giving folks reusable straws! These telescoping stainless steel straws are the bomb, y'all! Each one comes in a container that looks super cool, like a spy tool, and as a small caribiner so you can latch it on to pretty much anything....
The battries arrived on time and was delivered quickly. I always love to use rechargable battries as its good for environment compared to use and throw. They are working great so far.
Cool little storage case. I have a number of battery operated fairy lights that I have on in the evening. I was going through a large number of batteries which I was concerned cause these environmentally friendly. I googled as rechargeable batteries...
I use the battery charger that I have now. I did not have to purchase a new one. Charging these AAA batteries is no problem with my charger so I'm sure it's compatible with almost every battery charger out there. The batteries last as long as...