This was purchased as a gift for my daughter and it didnt take long before she got the hang of it.
It could do with being a bit bigger but its good for her to practise, the build quality is fine.
The case was not in the same box as the tablet w...
Great stand. Its good strong and very sturdy. Legs are adjustable by unclipped the sections. I use it for my granddaughter to have her dinner on as its just the right size for her and she loves it. She thinks its great to be able to sit on the floor...
This cooling pad works well. I have been using this now for a fes days, The two fans cool somewhat. Has really neat looking blue lights. Adjustable base allows to adjust laptop to different angles. Plugs in via USB and has an extra USB on fan base ba...
The CrystalDiskMark results attached to this review relate to the 64GB cards I received in June 2020. As you can see they performed respectfully in a short test at least, easily suggesting that their V30 rating for dashcams, drones etc should be atta...
Good quality wires. Wasnt what I wanted they were far to short but that will teach me to read properly before ordering definitely not the sellers or the products fault
Have used and they seem as good as more expensive ones I have purchased an...
These are a value 4 pack of USB C cables. Bring braided they're a better quality compared to others our their. Love the blue striped design so you can't lose them! The work well on my android phone when charging.
I am not very good with all the technical talk so I will be very simple here with my description:)
I needed something cheap to start working on my laptop with photos and I needed it fast. I wanted to remove the background, change colours, add some e...
Got this for my daughter who is a budding artist and she was very impressed with the product. It really helps when she uses graphite pencils. Comes in very handy indeed.