My granddaughter loves it! My wife, not so much... It is noisy, but my granddaughter is learning to play it. I would recommend this if you have a patience for noise.
It's well-made and can be taken apart for easy cleaning. My little princess i...
I homeschool my daughter and this year we are incorporating music into her studies. The recorder is usually a child’s first introduction to an instrument in school so I decided to follow along with this as well. I purchased this recorder for he...
I needed something to keep my Grand-daugher amuzed during the summer. She wanted to play the drums so I compromized and got here this recorder! I played one when I was a kid and loved it. This is just a toy one, but I know she will love it. And I lov...
The sound is decent, although it leans to being sharp and I was a professional flautist. My daughter likes the color and has enjoyed practicing on it. She is six and the holes are almost a little large for her fingers, but overally its a great budget...
#RankBoosterReview #Sponsored #Review #amazon #sale
If you like music but don't want to spend a lot and give the kids hours of fun its made of strong plastic has a great sound start the kids out young with a love for music
#RankBoosterReview #Sponsored #Review #amazon #sale
If you like music but don't want to spend a lot and give the kids hours of fun its made of strong plastic has a great sound start the kids out young with a love for music
This is even BETTER than the recorders that my kids' school is selling for twice this amount - and this one is a much prettier color! When is amazon ever NOT the answer?! =)