Arrived nicely - giftable packed. It seems to be good quality and good value. Took one star because the price was higher than the advertised one, but still bought it
My son has been using this as a nightlight for a few months now. It's adorable and very easy to turn on and off. It's soft and durable - he's dropped it from the top bunk a half dozen times and it just keeps working.
I used this for my son when he takes naps in the car. It's easy to strap to the seatbelt and it stays put unless you move it. I like that I can wash it when it gets dirty. It's very comfy and works great.
What a wonderful set of training chopsticks. I now have a set for my grandkids at my house and at theirs. They love using them with all kinds of foods. Chopsticks are good to use for your digestion because you are forced to eat slower and smaller. Tr...
very cute basket that i use for my daughters is a little bit flimsy though and doesnt stand up like it shows in the picture..only when i fill it up with blankets to the top
This water mat was easy to fill with air and water. It is being used on a wood floor so I was worried about potential leaks or the plug coming out but I have not had any issue at all. It has been stepped and jumped on by toddlers but does not show an...
First this is a gift so Im not the one using. I love the look of it and so does the recipient. I was never into the cutesy cartoon or baby themed diaper bags and I wish this was around when I had my son. I think it will be great for those...