This bowl is very small. Not what I was expecting. It's well made and included the spoon as shown but it is more for a baby or very small child then a child.
This is cute little bowl. I was expecting this to be larger but it is smaller than expected. This is the perfect size to feed a baby. The color is not all the way blue. It has a brownish tint to it also. It does come with a spoon so that is a pl...
This is the Perfect Baby Gift! They can just open the Box (It's a long box so it's fun to wrap too), and then attach it to the wall. It sticks easily and then can easly be removed. It looks great on the wall. Plus you get 18 different sized B...
Woodland large wall decals is super cute to have~ Love the design of baby bear on a tree with bumble bees~ Instant transformation for the nursery~ Tranquil and peaceful~ This wall decal's size is about 4' x 3' and perfect for d...
#RankBoosterReview ii. #Sponsored iii. #Woodland Animals Large Wall Decals
I was blown away with the absolute beauty of art work. The attention to detail and simplicity of the design will be a subject of many conversations. this is also a ve...
This is even cuter than I expected. I’m giving this as a gift so I opened it with very little disturbance so that I can offer my review. The colors are soft and what a great size! The material is heavy and almost like a canvas – it has a...
This is awesome! Warming a bottle no longer requires a boiling pot of water! Just a few minutes to warm up and it's warmth is evenly distributed throughout the bottle! I definitely will recommend to my friends!