I purchased this for a gift. It’s give you lots of room to record everything about your baby girl. My fav is the butterfly’s that are included with the book. So CUTE!
My Granddaughter loves this pillow seatbelt protector. It is adjustable, made of high quality material and is soft and cushiony. She put it on her seatbelt and layed her head on it and told me how soft it was. It is a perfect saftel...
All my children ages 14 down to 5 all love the verisa pink seat belt pillow. It is soft to the touch similar to Velvet and the velcro is sturdy so it stays put on the seat belt well you were using it. The pillow insert comes out making it easy to was...
The verisa seat belt cover is soft to the touch and the velcro is strong and sturdy so it keeps it in place on the seat belt. The pillow on the inside is removable so it can be cleaned completely separately or together. It's long enough for an ad...
I bought this for my 9 year old because she hates how the seatbelt hits her in the face sometimes. With this product she can even use it as a pillow if she wants to. It stays right mid chest to keep the seatbelt more comfortable so it can...
This is perfect for my littles! I can never understand how they have their little necks in such odd positions. Here is the Amazon description:
Micro-suede fabric
★ It has a removable pillow on the inside so you can remove if yo...
You know how it goes, as soon as you get in the car, your littles heads sag down and they're out. But when you look in your rearview mirror, all you can think is "how can they sleep like that?!". Such uncomfortable positions, I always w...