Fits the markers, helps me see what colors I have, and is pretty darn sturdy. I am impressed by the plastic grade on this. it also fits other markers as well, though not AS well as the holes are square to accommodate this brands markers
These paints are a nice set for new artists to experiment with on the canvas without having to spend tons of money. They are not messy and easy to clean up after finished using. They are good quality paints and I defently recommend these for a Christ...
There is 24 colors in this paint set. It's artist quality paint that is also great for beginners. I like to keep wooden figurines in our craft bin. This paint is perfect for that craft. My kids also want to do kindness rocks. Th...
I purchased these as a gift for my daughter. I figured that for the listed price, these patches would be quite small, but that is not the case at all! They range in sizes but some are as large as my hand. I can't wait to iron these on all the thi...
This is a wonderful set of acrylic colors. It comes with 24 colors so you have lots to choose from. The paint is made from good quailty. It has a really nice look to it when it drys. Each tube is 12ml, which is perfect size because...
These iron on patches are very pretty. This pack is for girls. There are butterflies and flowers and birds. There are multiple sized patches and alot of designs to chose from. All of them are in bright, vibrant colors. They are very simple to iron on...
So I ordered this pain set, that also was supposed to come with paint brushes. So the paint arrives but no brushes.. I contacted the seller and was told they shipped separetly. After 2 weeks of waiting I still havent received them and I h...